First Epistle of John
God is light, love, and truth. Those who truly belong to Christ will seek fellowship with His redeemed; walk in the light, not in darkness; confess sin; obey God’s Word; love God; experience a decreasing pattern of sin in their lives; demonstrate love for other Christians; and experience victory in their Christian walk.
Read by
Jessica Whitfield
I am a happily married mother of two and have a beautiful granddaughter. I loved the Lord for as long as I can remember. God inspired me to begin a ministry called No Hungry Bellies almost two years ago. Losing my mom put me in a dark place of grief and sadness. The Lord gave me a ministry to give to the homeless and encourage them in Christ. We give food and clothes to the homeless community every two weeks. I also volunteer with Parents of Murdered Children. We give Parents free supportive services to help them along their journey of grief. Ministry isn’t easy but with God’s strength, it’s always beautiful. May He be glorified by all that He does in me and through me. There is nothing I’d rather be doing then to be handing out a hotdog to someone who is hungry when the Lord returns.