The Gospel of Mark
The ministry of Jesus Christ is presented from the point of view that Jesus is the Righteous Servant of God. Jesus obeys the Father’s will and accomplishes all He had been sent to do, including dying for sinners and rising again from the dead.
Read by

Mark Pinto
Mark Pinto is a native of the Roxborough section of Philadelphia and has an undergraduate degree in communications from LaSalle University. He served for seven years as an overnight weekend host for the legendary WFLN during the 1990s. Mark has served for many years as Saturday host on 90.1 WRTI of Temple University, and weekday substitute host. He is a professional librarian, employed as the Adult Services Director for the Phoenixville Public Library since 1997. He is a member of St. Eleanor Catholic Church in Collegeville, PA, where he coordinates the lector program, serves as cantor and sings with the tenor section of the choir. He also sings with various choral groups, including Musica Concordia and Wayne Oratorio Society. He and his wife Donna, an organist and choir director, volunteer with the Chester County Pops Orchestra. (photo credit: Jessica Schultz, WRTI)